Guest House Minas

Very good 8.0 / 10 (30)
Guesthouse | Via Pietro Calvi, 18 - Milano | Zona: Porta Vittoria
Tel. 02 36737273 |
National identification code: IT015146B4PWCGVNII
Regional identification code: 015146-FOR-00128
Guests love it because: in the city center, cheap, shopping area, near the metro, near the station, near the airport, very new, the design of the property, abundant breakfast, near spa.
  • Pets Allowed
  • Romantic Atmosphere
  • TV
  • Free Wifi
  • Family
  • Business
  • Hair dryer
  • Heating
Declared by the Innkeeper

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30 reviews

Overall Rating
30 reviews
Nice and clean apartment. Free coffee and tea in the corridor. Clean towels everyday. Small room, big enough if you just come to sleep.
stayed from 04/23/2023 to 04/25/2023
It's a great hotel with easy access, clean, located in the city center, and with a good special personality Andrea.
stayed from 11/12/2017 to 11/13/2017
Bonsoir, Je suis désolé de devoir vous dire que nous avons été déçus par notre séjour dans votre établissement. Les photos sont trompeuses, l’état de la chambre laisse à désirer. Exiguïté des sanitaires, qualité et état de l’ameublement, une seule lampe de chevet et une seule table de nuit. Concernant le service: pas de ménage, pas de changement de serviette de toilette, pas de petit déjeuner ni de collation, pas de personnel d’accueil contrairement à ce qui est annoncé, accès difficile au 2ème étage sans ascenseur. Proximité du centre-ville: 25 mn et 900 m de la station de métro la plus proche. La procédure d’accès dépend trop d’internet. Tous ces inconvénients seraient plus faciles à accepter si les prix étaient en rapport avec le service proposé, ce qui n’est pas le cas. Un sérieux effort reste à faire pour hisser cet établissement au niveau d’une ville comme Milan.
stayed from 12/01/2023 to 12/03/2023
The answer from the host:
Cher invité. Je vous remercie pour votre merveilleux avis mais je voulais chiffrer presque tout ce que vous avez énuméré. La première, notre maison d'hôtes sans structure de catégorie hôtelière propose des chambres toutes neuves avec salle de bain privée et bien meublées conformément à la catégorie de maison d'hôtes économique elle-même. L'établissement ne propose pas de tarifs pour le petit-déjeuner. Si vous notez soigneusement votre réservation, vous avez réservé une chambre standard SANS PETIT DÉJEUNER... ! pour un accès électronique et clairement visible dans l'information, structure électronique avec enregistrement en ligne. et entrée électronique sans réception et sans personnel. Le ménage est fait tous les jours et nous avons nettoyé la chambre et changé les serviettes de douche. Peut-être avez-vous besoin de lunettes plus épaisses. Concernant le prix déjà bon marché, vous avez désormais aussi le luxe de décider vous-même des prix ?! Dieu merci, les critiques disent le contraire sur tous les portails. Ils apprécient notre installation et reviennent même. Compte tenu de vos besoins raffinés, la prochaine fois, je vous recommande de réserver un véritable hôtel 3/4 étoiles, pas une maison d'hôtes bon marché, et de vérifier s'ils ont une réception ouverte. Nous sommes en 2024 et il y a encore des gens ignorants qui ne lisent pas ce qu'ils livrent et se plaignent par ignorance tout en croyant avoir raison.
Well-located B&B, room with the essentials and pleasant common area with snacks, coffee, tea, and cold drinks available. Very welcoming and communicative host.
stayed from 04/14/2023 to 04/15/2023
We found out there was no breakfast only after check-in, even though the price was for a bed and breakfast. Second floor without elevator. We only communicated with the manager via WhatsApp, even though he monitored guests with a video camera. Access with just a phone is very risky (loss of phone, dead battery, lack of network do not allow access to the facility). Outdated information (especially wi-fi access) on the room door.
stayed from 04/02/2024 to 04/08/2024
The answer from the host:
Gentile ospite, come indicato su la sua prenortazione, come mostratovi poi telefonicamente LEI prenotava una tariffa SOLO PERNOTTO (cioò quella più economica SENZA COLAZIONE !...Il portale di BED AND BREAKFAST è un portale di prenotazioni tale non vuol dire per forza colazione compresa, BASTAVA leggere attentamente quando prenotava. In merito l'accesso elettronico anche li se AVESSE letto attentamente le info fornite dopo il completamento check in online avrebbe trovato la voce (Per chi spovvisto di connessione internet può utilizzare la linea CHECK IN MINAS già presente in strada portone ingresso per consentire la connessione usando la chiave elettronica). Credo che la sua poca attenzione sia stata la causa... In futuro consiglio di prestare più attenzione quando prenota, informazioni struttura invece di considerare tutto obsoleto;).
Excellent well-organized structure.
stayed from 04/04/2024 to 04/08/2024
Everything was perfect. The room was clean and fragrant. Fantastic automatic access.
stayed from 02/07/2024 to 02/09/2024
The answer from the host:
The room was clean, warm, and comfortable. The bathroom was small, without a bidet and with a tiny sink, these were the only flaws. The location was excellent, close to the M4 stop for Linate and a stone's throw from Corso 22 Marzo. The price was very favorable. When I return to Milan, I will book again at Guest House Minas.
stayed from 11/29/2023 to 12/01/2023
Very pleasant structure, very nice and elegant room, water at the entrance (which is very useful for those who walk around Milan and come back to the room thirsty), very kind owner (I had forgotten the online check-in, he called me to inform), transport quite close, so the movements are agile, automated entrance that makes it very easy to enter and exit without disturbing anyone. Price I would say extremely competitive.
stayed from 11/17/2023 to 11/19/2023
One must be honest and say that the bidet is missing. Bathroom is extremely small.
stayed from 10/24/2023 to 10/25/2023
The answer from the host:
Il bidè dai lei citato non è un accessorio essenziale FONDAMENTALE visto che le nostre doccie sono dotate di doccino ;)
Good evening, As a structure, we had a very good experience. However, I cannot say the same about the person who welcomed us. In Genoa, we still have the keys to open the rooms, etc. It's true that everything was written in the email, but we didn't understand, and the person who welcomed us was certainly not kind. We will definitely not return.
stayed from 07/18/2023 to 07/19/2023
The answer from the host:
Gentile ospite, vi abbiamo dettagliatamente spiegato ogni passaggio il sistema semplicissimo aperture continuava a non capite. Pure su l’accesso con 2 insegne bandiera secondo piano ingresso struttura si era persa nell’ vostro problema che non leggere e non prestate attenzione a niente...per la vista poca attenzione non potete colpevolizzare il mio operato. Spero che in furori presterete più attenzione leggendo cartelli o email spiegazione semplicissime. Saluti.
Clean, welcoming, and comfortable.
stayed from 09/24/2022 to 09/25/2022
Absolutely to be avoided! Keep away from travelers! I have been traveling around Europe for over 35 years and I assure you that I have known hundreds of accommodation facilities among hotels and bed and breakfasts, but it is the first time I discover a structure in the center of Milan of such a low level in every respect. The reception staff, if it can be called that, is carried out by a young man, I think around thirty, who can do everything except welcome clients. Empathy, listening, availability, and the ability to meet the needs of those who, while traveling, always have to deal with planned times and logistical difficulties, and this "character" is completely devoid of these qualities, talents, and characteristics. As for the structure, I will try to mention only the main anomalies: - located on the second floor without an elevator and with narrow and dangerous stairs (this should be mentioned at the time of choice, but it is not indicated anywhere); - single and double rooms resembling loculi, where there is no wardrobe to hang clothes, dressers, or support areas; - the bathrooms are unacceptable in every aspect, from the lack of water pressure to the lack of hot water for the shower, to the provision of linens (1 towel each with bidet, hands and face, and shower function; - the lack of a water bottle, which is the minimum to welcome a customer who may need a sip of water after the effort of reaching the second floor; - broken bathroom accessories (flush handle) or precarious (like finishes that come off on their own, etc.); - TV that only has audio function (no channels work).
stayed from 04/01/2022 to 04/04/2022
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno gentilissimo Luca Severini, Dopo aver letto il suo giudizio GENTILISSO mi viene da sorridere visto che è la SECONDA volta che prenota da noi conoscendo perfettamente la nostra struttura /gestione / metrature camere / secondo piano senza ascensore. Ma a quanto pare la demenza segna sovrana. Vanta di girare L'Europa da 35 anni prenotato hotel / B&b a centinaia, non credo che gli consentino di effettuare il check in alle 8:00 am senza nemmeno rilasciare i documenti come da sua richiesta insistente. Quando uno prenoto dovrebbe leggere bene le regole di check in, cosa prenota, ecc ecc. La nostra struttura B&b non possiede una reception aperta, Ma solo su appuntamento dalle 13/22 pm con check in programmato. Tutte queste informazioni sono presenti sul portale prima di prenotare, come le metrature delle stanze 14 MQ, Collocamento al secondo piano.POI ribadisco lei è stato già nostro ospite a gennaio e conosceva BENISSIMO queste caratteristiche. Lo STAFF di accoglienza coma da lei giudicato un trentenne (SOTTOLINEO TITOLARE) da 14 anni gestisce 3 strutture in pieno centro a milano, vanta una clientela educata, inteligente. cortese. Sa accogliere / trattare clienti educati e clienti non educati arroganti;) Forse lei in questi 35 anni che gira l'europa è abituato a trattar male il personale mostrando la sua SUPERIORITA' !! PRENOTANDO IN STUTTURE ECONOMICHE PAGANDO UNA MISERIA. Questo giro vi è andato male.. Peccato;). La stuttura come da lei menzionata è stata ristrutturata 1 anno fà (nuovissima) bagno / camere moderni e ben tenute. Le foto e commenti dicono tutt'altro. Non considero nemmeno tutte le sua CALUNNIE buttate per ripicca.! Ahh.Visto le sue ESIGENZE di ricevere una bottiglietta d'acqua dopo uno sforso ASSURDO (2 rampe di scale) consiglio di prenotare in strutture alberghiere di 4/5 stelle con 5 ascensori, porta borse, camerieri, parcheggiatori, pagando un PREZZO 5 VOLTE SUPERIORE cosi da ricevere chempagne di ben venuto! NO in un banale B&b senza ascensore.. Grazie a dio vantiamo centinaia di giudizi dicono ALTRO. Forse sono loro che dicono il falso ?. Le auguro una buona giornata. Saluti Andrea (titolare trentenne).
annita rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
stayed from 06/14/2021 to 06/15/2021
Very kind, he even gave us breakfast, thank you for everything.
stayed from 06/27/2020 to 06/28/2020
Well-maintained property, located 10 minutes from the center of Milan, reachable by urban buses. Clean environments.
stayed from 10/13/2019 to 10/14/2019
I found myself quite well in this B&B. Very clean and quiet. Friendliness and availability at the reception and a high rating for the central and strategic location of Milan. If I were to return, I would definitely stay at Guest House Minas.
stayed from 07/14/2019 to 07/16/2019
I stayed for one night and had a great time, the room is excellent, the owner, Andrea, and his staff are always kind and helpful. The information about the property is very clear and well specified, everything is presented in great detail to attract potential customers. A lovely stay and, above all, the rooms are beautiful, clean, and very well organized, I will definitely come back with great pleasure! Congratulations to Guest House Minas, to the owner Andrea and his staff, thank you for everything! See you soon.
stayed from 05/05/2019 to 05/06/2019
Great stay environment, healthy clean and friendly staff, I highly recommend it.
stayed from 01/10/2019 to 01/17/2019
Great welcome. Tranquillity. Great place for those who don't have great needs. I will definitely come back if I have other exams.
stayed from 01/30/2019 to 02/01/2019
Comfortable environment, equal to quality/price. Excellent location of the Guest House Minas.
stayed from 12/09/2018 to 12/10/2018
barbara rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
stayed from 12/08/2018 to 12/09/2018
It is in a good location, but you have to climb to the second floor and there is no elevator. They provide only bath towels and not guest and towels. On Thursday morning in the street there is the market, so do not open the window at six in the morning. However, quality/price are balanced, I would go back.
stayed from 07/11/2018 to 07/13/2018
francesco rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
stayed from 06/06/2018 to 06/07/2018
Cozy, clean, friendly staff. Good location.
stayed from 04/10/2018 to 04/11/2018
melissa rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
stayed from 03/16/2018 to 03/17/2018
We stayed 1 night, the room like the bathroom perfectly clean, the spaces are not too large, but very well-kept and furnished in a very pleasant and new way. The breakfast corner is a bit sacrificed (but you can easily bring it to the room) but well stocked with everything, and super organized. The owner is very kind and helpful, also to keep our luggage beyond the scheduled time. Excellent value for money. If we come back, we will definitely stay there again.
stayed from 01/20/2018 to 01/21/2018
cinzia rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
stayed from 12/02/2017 to 12/03/2017
I stayed at Guest House Minas on August 25th. The property is located in a small building in the city center. I found the environment very quiet, clean, and hospitable. The modern colors and furnishings add that extra touch of elegance. Impeccable cleanliness, very beautiful and tidy rooms. Guest House Minas is really close to Piazza del Duomo, no more than a 10-minute walk. Not bad as an idea to have a look around. The quality/price ratio is excellent, it's hard to find better in this location in the center of Milan. The staff is young, friendly, and helpful. There is a constant passage of public transport to reach the best streets of the city, the airport, the train station, and the metro. Would I recommend it? Absolutely yes.
stayed from 08/25/2017 to 08/26/2017
Perfect stay, impeccable cleanliness, very comfortable beds, spacious room. The newly renovated Guest House Minas, managed by young people, deserves my vote. For those looking for a comfortable and affordable accommodation, Minas is an excellent choice. Just a few minutes from the Cathedral, located in an area rich in restaurants, bars, and clubs. I will definitely come back. Highly recommend. Book, you won't regret it.
stayed from 08/02/2017 to 08/04/2017

Guest House Minas

68535 visite
Member since May 2017
  • Telefono 02 36737273

In The Surroundings

*Distances As The Crow Flies