La Dimora in Blu

Apartment | Via dell'Artigiano, 7/c - Bologna | Zona: San Donato
Cell. 348 0077407
National identification code: IT037006C2E2FZ6E5U
Regional identification code: 037006-AT-03783

La Dimora in Blu provides its guests with a coffee machine equipped with pods and cookies, allowing for a pleasant and relaxed start to the day. Moreover, just across the street, there is a pastry café that serves delicious breakfasts, ideal for those looking to indulge in a sweet treat before venturing out to explore the city.

Declared by the Innkeeper

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La Dimora in Blu

158 visite
Member since September 2024
  • Cellulare 348 0077407

In The Surroundings

*Distances As The Crow Flies